A view into the life of a family who encountered a different future than expected, but has become all the richer for it.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bumbo Butt

Victoria had a visit from a physical therapist and vision specialist this week. They both had very good comments about how she is doing. We felt encouraged. I've been given different "exercises" to do with her over the next few weeks to prod her on to develop further. One thing I've started doing is sitting her up in her Bumbo.

Here is a cute photo of her in the Bumbo. She still needs a little help to sit up because she is so small (I fill the front of the Bumbo with a folded towel) and does tire from sitting too long, but she is doing great nonetheless!

We couldn't help but take a photo of Natalie getting her butt stuck in Victoria's Bumbo (that sounds hilarious to even say!). If you know anything about Nat Nat, she cannot stand being confined. This was NOT a fun moment for her!

Other exciting moments in the Messick household...

Natalie had a sweet little moment with Victoria while laying on my bed that I wanted you all to see. She is a kind little girl who loves to give lots of kisses!

I took a photo yesterday of Natalie's hair. She is getting some cute curls in her hair. She definitely takes after her mother (who straightens her hair to look cool!)!

Elyssa and Natalie have a little horse that a friend gave them about a year ago. They haven't played with it lately so getting it out to play with today was really fun for them. Elyssa pushed the button that made the horse sound like it was trotting and neighing. Since Natalie didn't have a horse of her own, she just did the motions with her own little body. She acts like she is trotting and when the horse neighs, she shakes her head. Too cute!

Finally, we have taught Elyssa to hold a towel in front of her face and change facial expressions each time she takes the towel down. We started out doing this to her for laughs, but she quickly tried to imitate us. Here is a sample of her facial expression talents!

1 comment:

Shana Hodge said...

I'm sitting here LAUGHING OUT LOUD at Elyssa and her facial expressions! That is hilarious!
I just want to squeeze them all up and give them kisses!