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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tear-Jerker Moment

I just came across this video on my camera. I didn't even realize anyone filmed this clip. It was me holding Victoria the morning she was being taken from the RNICU unit back for open-heart surgery at UAB. It was such an emotional time for me. As I held her, I began weeping. You can hear and see me start to cry. Watching this video tonight brought tears to my eyes again. I can remember what awful feelings I had in this moment. Knowing my child was about to be taken back for such a serious surgery was so difficult to handle. It was moments after this video was taken that she was moved into a portable pod and wheeled over to the surgical unit. This was the last chance I had to hold her before her surgery.

My, what God has done since this video was taken! This clip will always remind me what we went through with Victoria and what God brought her through.

Thank you, Lord, for such a powerful memory!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Aww, what a little peanut. We didn't have to go through heart surgery, so I'm bowing at you. :)