I pray that in our going home that God continues to challenge me to be "wide-eyed" in seeing His hand always at work. In the "everyday life" you get so busy that you miss what He's doing around you. You miss opportunities to minister to others. You miss seeking Him with all your heart. You get distracted from what is really important.
When a trial comes, it seems that you focus all of your attention on God. You know at that point that you need Him more than ever. It's sad that when things get back to "normal" that we put Him back on the shelf where He was before and go about our business. I pray that I don't do that.
I think maybe God gave me Victoria to help me always remember Him. She reminds me of His sovereign hand and how He guides all of our steps. She reminds me that He is in control even we feel total chaos all around us. She reminds me of His unconditional love. She will always remind me of Him and this special time.
As we go home today to Mobile, my prayer is that I never forget these hallways. My prayer is that I remember that little boy playing in the hallway. May I never forget to just be His child.
What wonderful news! Again, thank you so much for opening your heart during this diffult time in your life. You have been such an inspiration and a spiritual role model to me. WOW! And thank you! Through all of this, I've seen God's hand at work in so many ways. It's just so AWESOME to serve such a loving and caring God. In the midst of our trials, He knows just what we need and when we need it.
I too hope that as things "settle down," that I continue to always take time to see God's hand at work in my life and to be able to minister to others in some special way. God is indeed there in the hard times when we are crying out to Him, broken. But He's there in the good times too. I always want to remember what I've seen Him do through the struggles with sweet Victoria Jayne. He is just so awesome and nothing is too great for Him.
Have a safe trip home. We'll continue to keep praying for you guys. I know God has great things in store for sweet Victoria. Hopefully one day soon, we'll get back to FBNM to visit and I can see her for myself.
Love to the entire Messick Family!
Steve, Jackie, Maddie & Pressley Parks.
Congradulations!!!! Victoria has come such a long way, not just the miles from Mobile, to Birmingham. I have kept tabs on your progress and your strength to endure this time of trial and tribulation. We know that our strength comes only from our Lord.
If you need anything please let me know.
Ann Slaughter
USA Children Women's
We look forward to seeing you guys!!! We have missed you so much. Make sure to give Elyssa and Natalie lots of hugs and kisses. Man what a homecoming that will be!!! I know you guys are so excited.
We are here for you if you need us
With love
Bryan, Andrea, and Joshua
Congrats on coming home!! What great news!!!! Praying for a safe trip home. We love you guys
We are so excited to hear your great news. It has been awesome to be with ya'll through your blog and hear how God has been THE GOOD SHEPHERD He is so faithful to be for ya'll during this trial. But more than anything after reading today's post, I just want to thank you for your witness and the blessing you have been to all of us. It is so easy to get comfortable and busy with life and I thank you for reminding us that is not the blessed place God longs for us to be in with Him.
Happy Homecoming Ya'll!!!!!
Rebecca Neighbors
You're blogs have meant so much to us. Your openess and honesty has blessed us more than words can say. You and Mark, as well as our dear Pastor Ed, have shown such courage of late that we are at a loss for words to express our gratitude. Just know that we have experienced this journey through you and have learned much about the mercy of our Father.
We love you. Welcome home!
Please share the latest entry in our family blog w/ Mark. I think he will be pleased.
Teresa, Milton and Mikayla
Dear Heather,
I have a pendant I wear around my neck that simply states Let go, Let God! I try my best to live this- and what's funny is God gives us these beautiful babies to love & care for( to the best of our ability) and we want to protect them & stop their pain, when in reality it's not up to us- only One can, their true Maker & Father. Remember like you said we are all His children. I think we as mother we all have to learn just to Let go, Let God!!!
You are a remarkable woman & have shown true strength in your faith. Ya'll are all in my prayers always! And I love you very much! Can't wait to see you!!!
Praise God for the miracles God her performed in little Victoria Jayne's life and how you and Mark have allowed all of us to be a witness to it. God is so good!
We rejoice you are headed home with Victoria Jayne and a reunion with your other two precious gifts. God is moving and it is so awesome! Our lives have been deeply touched by you and Victoria Jayne. It is amazing how God has used one of his newest and smallest to already be speaking Him to us. The question at one time may have been "Why us?" but now, because of God's great love for us, "Why us - why have we been so blessed?" - and we have been truly blessed beyond imagination. Thanks for sharing your heart!
Blessings to you and love!
Charlie & Sue Prall
Heather and Mark,
You have both been a blessing to me while you were in our fair city. I know that God has a great future in your lives. That future will be made complete in Victoria. She is a great little trooper and I can't wait to see how she blesses this world. I am glad you got to go home to Mobile to make your family complete and in the same house together. We love you all and hope to see you again real soon.
In Christian Love,
Ronnie & Debbie Nelson
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