Momma loves you so much. I miss you more than you can imagine. I’m so sorry that I have to be away from you for so long, but I know you understand that I’m with Victoria at the hospital. I know you can hardly wait until her heart is all better and she can be well. It will be great knowing that she will be able to play with you one day!
Thank you for looking after Natalie for me while I’m gone. You are such a good helper and big sister. Be a good girl for Mee Maw and Paw Paw, okay?
I love you so very much and will see you very soon!
Hey boo boo! Momma misses you and loves you a whole bunch! I will be home before you know it! I hope you feel better soon so Mee Maw and Paw Paw can play with you more.
I bet when I get home I’ll hear you say words you have never said before. I’m sure you are growing like a weed!
Be good and don’t let your sister beat up on you! I love you!
I am so glad that I am able to be here with you during such an important time in your life. I love you so much and pray for you all during each day. To be able to hold you yesterday was the best Mother’s Day gift ever! You just get well very soon so I can do that all the time.
Daddy and I pray for your healing and your surgery. May the hands of the doctors be so steady as they repair your little heart. May your body react wonderfully to all of the work that is done on it and may you be so strong after the procedure is done.
I love you so much and am thankful that God gave me such a precious gift in you!
I love you. You are such a wonderful mom and friend. You cannot begin to imagine how much of a help you have been to me. What a blessing you are to my life and to the life of Mark and the girls. You make having to be away much easier. Thank you for sacrificing of yourself to minister to me in such a crazy time. I could not ask for a better mother and I pray that I can be such a blessing to my kids one day. Happy Mother’s Day!
Hey boo boo! Momma misses you and loves you a whole bunch! I will be home before you know it! I hope you feel better soon so Mee Maw and Paw Paw can play with you more.
I bet when I get home I’ll hear you say words you have never said before. I’m sure you are growing like a weed!
Be good and don’t let your sister beat up on you! I love you!
I am so glad that I am able to be here with you during such an important time in your life. I love you so much and pray for you all during each day. To be able to hold you yesterday was the best Mother’s Day gift ever! You just get well very soon so I can do that all the time.
Daddy and I pray for your healing and your surgery. May the hands of the doctors be so steady as they repair your little heart. May your body react wonderfully to all of the work that is done on it and may you be so strong after the procedure is done.
I love you so much and am thankful that God gave me such a precious gift in you!
I love you. You are such a wonderful mom and friend. You cannot begin to imagine how much of a help you have been to me. What a blessing you are to my life and to the life of Mark and the girls. You make having to be away much easier. Thank you for sacrificing of yourself to minister to me in such a crazy time. I could not ask for a better mother and I pray that I can be such a blessing to my kids one day. Happy Mother’s Day!
I love you, Mom. I’m so thankful for such a wonderful mother-in-law. You bless me so much and in so many ways. Thank you for the way you encourage me. You’ll never know how much it means to me that you think I’m a wonderful mother. To hear you say those words on Wednesday night really comforted me when I thought I should’ve recognized Victoria in stress before all of this snowballed. Thank you for raising such a wonderful son named Mark! He is a great husband and dad because of you! I love you and thank the Lord for you! Happy Mother’s Day
PS - To Shana, Mandy, Karen and Janay ... Happy Mother's Day! I love you all!
Heather & Mark
Ron and I are praying for you and for your family .I feel certain that helping Ron and I through our time with Jesse has been a blessing in which God planned out only to prepare you for what you are facing now. We were a praying & faithful family just sharing our hurt together with you while experiencing God's miracles in our son's little life. You gave so much love and strengthened our faith by just being with us. I hurt for you both because I TRULY understand the pain you are feeling mixed with the Thankfulness for such a God that gave you this little blessing to share with us all named Victoria.
You just remeber who is the real physician in this situation and God will do the rest.
WE hold you close in our hearts and will forever love you for just being who God made you to be. Wondrefully made!!
All our prayers and love,
Angela Ballard
Do not be afraid to request help from the Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Even if you are not living there you can be helped with meals. Just ask your doctor to give the hospital social or case worker a meeting with you in the hospital and they can write a letter to allow you to eat all meals free at the house. You just have to know to ask. You have to prove to the McDonald house you do have a sick child recieving services.
Just some small FYI.
The hospital usually has a family services office where you can recieve laundry soap and personal items while bunking in with Victoria. The main childrens hospital has a parent laundry room. You can wash your clothes free. Also they have a parent shower room for those who won't leave the baby or the building but might want to wash. LOL!!
One more bit of info. A sick child is suppose to recieve a parent plate for lactating moms. Ask about this.
Love you Both,
Angela Ballard
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY HEATHER We love you so much and are so proud of you. You are a fabulous wife and mother and the love that you have for your children is so evident. I hope you have a wonderful day.
P.S. Wilma was out of town today and Erin forgot to do the landing, so by process of elimination Steve pushed me on the stage to "land this puppy". Long story short we said a prayer for you guys in both services. You guys mean so much to what we are doing up there and we long for the day that you are both back at home with us and Victoria is here and healthy. Don't forget that the virtue of the month is patience. I made sure to point out to the kids that things are on God's time and not our time.
We hope to talk to you very soon.
I know that we have already talked a couple of times today but I just watched the video of you holding Victoria. I know that your arms have been aching to hold her and I so glad that you were able to do that. I love you so much and I am so proud of you! You and Mark are showing such great strength and courage walking thru this time. I know that it is not anything that you claim to have on your own but from the Lord. I can't even tell you the number of people that tell me how inspired they are by you and what an awesome testimony you guys have been. The Lord is already using your family in an amazing way to glorify Him!
I love you so much. Wish I could be there with you. Hugs and kisses!
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